Notice on the prevention and control of the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia epidemic in the National Computer Rank Examination in December 2022
来源:  作者:  编辑:Cui Yunfei  日期:2022-11-16  Click rate:11332  [I want to print]  [关闭]


Key words:

Dear candidates,

According to the latest epidemic prevention and control requirements of Guizhou Province, the following precautions for epidemic prevention and control are proposed:

一、School examinee

This test centerEpidemic prevention requires access to the test site。所There are candidates, staffFrom before the exam7 days (26 November)Until the day of the test,Do a good job of temperature monitoring and truthfully fill in and keep the Temperature Measurement Registration FormIt must be brought to the test center on the day of the test. It is strictly prohibited to take the test without it

二、Off-campus internship考生

(1) From before the exam7天11月26日)Until test dayTake your own temperature every day and truthfully fill in the "Temperature Measurement Registration Form"。On the day of the test48 hours nucleic acid test negative certificate, "Temperature Measurement Registration Form""Admission ticket" and my resident ID card and other relevant materials, and show myself"Guizhou health code" green code and "Communication big data travel card", scan "place code" prompt "green code normal passage" to participate in the exam。Candidates who scan codes and have abnormal body temperature should follow the instructions of the test center staff。

(2) Candidates who enter Guizhou from outside the province and candidates who move across cities (states) in the province should show up in advance"Guizhou Health Code" completes the personal health declaration, continues to pay attention to the status of their own health code, and implements the corresponding epidemic prevention measures in advance according to the prevention and control requirements of the test site。Candidates should pay attention to the official website and official wechat account of Guizhou Provincial Health Commission,Keep abreast of the latest prevention and control policies of our province and the location of the test center, and the list of "key epidemic areas outside the province",In accordance with the epidemic prevention and control regulations of our province and the location of the test site,Actively cooperate with the epidemic prevention and control departments of the test sites to implement various epidemic prevention measures,Avoid abnormal scanning of health code and place code affecting the exam。Candidates who need to implement the "three days and three checks" can participate in the exam after completing the "three days and three checks";The last nucleic acid test in the "three days three tests" does not need to be repeated within 48 hours before the test。

(3) Candidates from high-risk areas and overseas (returning) Guizhou must strictly follow the epidemic prevention and control policies of our province. Candidates who have not completed the prevention and control measures of our province are not allowed to enter the test center to participate in the test。

三、Candidates are confirmed COVID-19 cases, asymptomatic infected persons, suspected patients, and close contacts of confirmed casesConfirmed cases who have been cured and discharged from hospital, asymptomatic infected persons who have been released from centralized isolation and observation, and people who are still in the follow-up or medical observation period, can not rule out fever patients who may be infected.It is required to undergo professional evaluation by local health departments, disease control agencies and medical institutions, and the relevant agencies will comprehensively determine whether they can normally participate in the exam or in what way according to the professional evaluation recommendations。

四、Admission test

(1) Candidates must present their admission ticket, resident ID card, and prior to the examNegative nucleic acid test certificate and "temperature measurement registration form" within 48 hours to participate in the exam。When entering the test center, candidates must obey the on-site staff management and epidemic prevention and control arrangements, voluntarily present the above specified materials, and scan the "location code" on the spot to measure their temperature。Complete materials, scan the "place code" without abnormal prompts, can present a valid nucleic acid test negative certificate as required, and the body temperature is below 37.3℃ to enter the test site。When entering the test center and examination room, disposable medical masks should be worn in a standardized manner, but wearing masks should not affect identity identification and verification。Candidates who do not wear masks as required are not allowed to enter the test site to take the test。

(2) Candidates should arrive at the test site as soon as possible to ensure sufficient admission time and good order。

(3) When entering the test room, candidates should fill in the "Temperature Measurement Registration Form" to the invigilator and report it to the test center for six months for future reference。

五、Abnormal temperature monitoring of the examinee before the exam (temperature higher than37.3℃) or the body has symptoms such as dry cough, fatigue, decreased sense of smell, decreased taste, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, conjunctivitis, myalgia and diarrhea,To seek medical treatment in time and report to the examination center institutions, the local health department, the examination center institutions and other comprehensive research and assessment whether they have the normal conditions to participate in the examination。Candidates who do not meet the normal test requirements are not allowed to take the test in the same venue as healthy candidates。

During the examination, candidates are advised to wear disposable medical masks during the whole process except for identity verification。

On the day of the test, the candidate has a fever37.3℃) or dry cough, fatigue, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, diarrhea and other symptomsThe examination staff should be informed immediately, and cooperate with relevant departments for comprehensive research and judgment and processing。Candidates who enter the isolated test room for further examination after comprehensive study and judgment shall make up the time lost in transferring from the ordinary test room to the standby isolated test room (not yet out of the test center) after approval of the procedure。

After the exam,Candidates should leave the field in an orderly manner according to the instructions of the invigilator, standardize the wearing of masks, maintain a safe distance, and do not crowd。After the completion of the examination, the candidates in the isolated test room shall follow the requirements of the health departments, disease control agencies and medical institutions。

Candidates should strictly abide by the regulations on epidemic prevention, consciously enhance the awareness of protection, and do a good job of personal and family protection。Do not eat, do not party before and after the exam, avoid unnecessary going out, avoid contact with people in high-risk areas, and take personal protection on the way to the exam。Candidates who do not cooperate with the epidemic prevention work of the exam, do not truthfully report their health status, conceal or lie about the epidemic prevention and control information such as travel history and contact history, and provide false epidemic prevention certificates and information will be held accountable according to law。

In order to ensure that you can successfully participate in the exam, it is recommended that candidates pay attention"State Council client" wechat public account,Click on "Local prevention and Control Policy" in the "Convenience Service" column and select "Departure" and "destination".,Keep abreast of local prevention and control policies;It is recommended that candidates make personal health declaration in advance, carry out self-health status monitoring and "Guizhou Health code green code" verification,If the "Guizhou health code" does not match my condition,Please consult immediately and dispose as required in time;Candidates in other provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government) are recommended,Please prepare for the exam according to your actual situation,Return to the test site early,Allow sufficient time for the completion of epidemic prevention and control requirements,Avoid delay in examination。

Regulations on epidemic prevention and control will be adjusted as the situation changes,Please pay close attention to the latest epidemic prevention and control information released by the provincial Health Commission and the examination centers,Follow our official website and wechat account,Keep abreast of relevant information,Implement epidemic prevention and control regulations of our province and test centers,Prepare for the test in advance as required。



Temperature Registration Form (1).doc



Information center

November 16, 2022


编辑:Cui Yunfei
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