Notice on registration for the 72nd National Computer Rank Examination
来源:  作者:  编辑:Cui Yunfei  日期:2023-12-25  Click rate:10982  [I want to print]  [关闭]


Key words:

In accordance with the spirit of the relevant notice of the Education Examination Institute of the Ministry of Education, in order to do a good job in our school20243National Computer Rank Examination (hereinafter referred to asNCRE) registration, the relevant matters are notified as follows:

1. Test and registration time

1.Exam Time:The March 2024 NCRE (72nd) exam will take place on March 23-24。

2.Registration time:Tuesday, December 26, 2023 10:00- Friday, January 5, 2024 17:00

3.Online review time: The online review time of the test site is the same as the registration time。

4.Online payment time:Tuesday, December 26, 2023 10:00- Saturday, January 6, 2024 17:00。

5.Admission ticket printing time: subject to the registration website notice。

2. Registration method and registration website

Registration website entry (Public network) :

Iii. Registration regulations and arrangements

(1) Application level and subject

1.This examination begins to test all subjects of Level 2, Level 3 and Level 4。Anyone with basic computer knowledge can choose to apply for the corresponding level of examination according to their actual situation。Each candidate can apply for a maximum of 3 subjects in a single test. Candidates are prohibited from registering for the same subject twice in a single test or registering in different provinces. Those who register for the test repeatedly will be dealt with according to violations。

(2) Principles for candidates to register

According to the requirements of Guizhou Provincial Examination Center,Candidates should apply for the nearest testOur institute has set up an examination center, so candidates are not allowed to apply for the examination across schools, and must apply for the examination in our institute。Candidates who practice outside Guiyang City should fill in the application form, internship certificate (employment contract, tripartite agreement) and other materials to apply to the school to apply outside the school。

(3) Candidates registration requirements

1.Candidates should log in to the registration website within the specified time, enter the registration information and upload photos according to the operating procedures and requirements, and apply for review. After passing the review, they can directly pay the registration fee online。

2.Candidates must carefully fill in the information to confirm themselves, and upload photos as required。If the information is wrong, the school will not bear the consequences。The photo uploaded by the candidate is the photo on the admission ticket. If the photo does not meet the requirements or cannot be confirmed as the candidate himself, the candidate will not be able to participate in the exam。

3.Photo information standard:

1) The photo should be the candidate's recent headless color ID photo。

2) The upper and lower parts of the imaging area require 1/10 of the head, 7/10 of the head, 1/5 of the shoulder, and 1/10 of the left and right sides。The minimum size of the captured image is 192×144 (H × W), and the size of the imaging area is 48mm×33mm (H × W).。

3) Photo file should be jpg format。

Iv. Others

Registration work consultation telephone:0851-88927712。



Guiyang Institute of Information Technology



编辑:Cui Yunfei
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