Announcement of applicants for professional and technical positions in Mingde College of Guizhou University in 2022
来源:Guiyang Institute of Information Technology  作者:  编辑:CAI Yunmeng  日期:2022-09-13  Click rate:1172  [I want to print]  [关闭]


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Professional title publicity Form_Mingde College of Guizhou University_20220913.pdf

    After review, it is proposed to recommend Zeng Lin and other 61 comrades to participate in the 2022 annual title evaluation, and it is now publicized, and the publicity time is from 2022-09-13 to 2022-09-13.2022-09-19。(See annex for details)

   If you have any objection to the above personnel, please reflect to Mingde College of Guizhou University during the publicity period, contact number :15185177050, 0851-88928056.

编辑:CAI Yunmeng
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