School motto: "Bright reason thick virtue, Chong practical responsibility"


(1) "Good sense and good morals":Inherited from the school motto of Guizhou University, "Mingde is the best. The first half of the sentence "Mingli thick de" cleverly integrates the word "Mingde" into the school motto。明德, Virtue of light。It's from the first sentence of College:The way of university lies in Mingde。

(2) Mingde in the "Shangshu · Xian Youyi De" refers to one de, also known as heaven de, dry de, great de, Jun de, Zheng De, Yuan de, Shangde, is to promote one heart, promote the virtues of fine one, single-minded, unique, pure virtue。Only fine, single-minded, pure, study and work career can change with each passing day progress and development, innovation。

(3) "clear understanding" : clearly observing things and understanding reason;

(4) "Thick virtue" : take the meaning of "thick virtue", "Zhouyi · Kun":"A gentleman carries things with kindness。"Guoyu · Jin Yu Six":"I have heard that those who are virtuous will receive many blessings, while those who serve others without blessings will hurt themselves.。"Generous and generous。To train students is to "morality" first, students have good moral quality is the first element。

(5) "Uphold practical responsibility":"Chongshi" : take the meaning of "focus on Chongshi, morality and diligence", educate and guide students to be truth-oriented, be "real", advocate reality, seek truth and pragmatism, and "seek truth from facts"。

(6) "Responsibility" : take the meaning of "responsibility",响应习近平新时代中国特色社会主义“担当精神”,Emphasize the mission in mind,The responsibility lies with the shoulders;Inheriting Taihao culture "Personal success lies in the realization of responsibility.,The value of life lies in the constant responsibility.",Educate and guide Mingde students to "be brave, brave and good at taking responsibility"。


Address: No. 8, Siya Road, Huaxi University Town, GUI 'an New District, Guiyang, Guizhou
Taxpayer Identification Number: 52520000090327188H
Qian ICP for 20002667